Looking into part time or full time non clinical work after residency. Which specialty is better?

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Sep 9, 2020
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Hey all, I am really considering looking into non clinical work as a physician, whether it be for pharma, biotech, but tbh

1) I don’t really know where to start looking about the types of jobs out there. Are there any good resources?

2) which specialty would offer me the most opportunities, currently looking between Family Med and Psych.

I see myself practicing part time 1-2 days a week, but would love to work for a company working towards bigger picture goals as well. Whether that be in drug development/research, or biotech.

Been lookin around and have seen a lot of posts about Pharma. I live in SD where biotech is huge.
I know there are clinical Pharmacology fellowships that could help break into the sector as well as some masters from schools like Stanford.

many advice would be great!

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Hey all, I am really considering looking into non clinical work as a physician, whether it be for pharma, biotech, but tbh

1) I don’t really know where to start looking about the types of jobs out there. Are there any good resources?

2) which specialty would offer me the most opportunities, currently looking between Family Med and Psych.

I see myself practicing part time 1-2 days a week, but would love to work for a company working towards bigger picture goals as well. Whether that be in drug development/research, or biotech.

Been lookin around and have seen a lot of posts about Pharma. I live in SD where biotech is huge.
I know there are clinical Pharmacology fellowships that could help break into the sector as well as some masters from schools like Stanford.

many advice would be great!

Breaking into pharma is not that easy - most pharma working docs have either research experience, a phd, or the vast majority I would say are oncologists, since therapies for cancer are always evolving. Pharma working docs need to typically have research trial experience which the avg doctor does not.

I do think practicing to some extent is important, if you want to do non-clinical there are jobs out there but coming out of residency, you'll need to do some practice in order to be able to be useful. I would say start practicing and then continue looking - there are lots of opportunities out there. I am myself for example doing a hybrid position - going to do some pm&r/subacute work, some injection work, some regen med, will likely be a regional director next year, etc. But you gotta start building. There are lots of other non-clinical options too, but again most places will want you to have some level of experience as a doc. I have found linkedin has many really good opportunities.
As the author, I'm biased, but 50 Nonclinical Careers for Physicians offers a good overview of a wide variety of unconventional career paths for physicians.

The specialty that is most fitting depends (to some extent) on what type of job you want. In pharma, it's almost always helpful to have done a residency related to the therapeutic area you're working on, for example. I did a residency in preventive medicine and have found it to be a great background for a variety of nonclinical job types.
As the author, I'm biased, but 50 Nonclinical Careers for Physicians offers a good overview of a wide variety of unconventional career paths for physicians.

The specialty that is most fitting depends (to some extent) on what type of job you want. In pharma, it's almost always helpful to have done a residency related to the therapeutic area you're working on, for example. I did a residency in preventive medicine and have found it to be a great background for a variety of nonclinical job types.
Can I ask what type of non clinical ventures you have done?