LOR from physiology professor (Faculty of Medicine)?

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Jun 20, 2023
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Sorry if it's a bad question.
All of the schools I'm applying to require 2 recommendation letters from science faculty members. I was able to obtain a LOR from my physiology professor (course code starts with PHYL), but then it hit me: the physiology department in my university is in the faculty of medicine. Would that matter?

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Sorry if it's a bad question.
All of the schools I'm applying to require 2 recommendation letters from science faculty members. I was able to obtain a LOR from my physiology professor (course code starts with PHYL), but then it hit me: the physiology department in my university is in the faculty of medicine. Would that matter?
Should be fine. My PI for my research was a medical school faculty. Had no problems there
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Sorry if it's a bad question.
All of the schools I'm applying to require 2 recommendation letters from science faculty members. I was able to obtain a LOR from my physiology professor (course code starts with PHYL), but then it hit me: the physiology department in my university is in the faculty of medicine. Would that matter?
I guess I don't understand what the alternative is. It doesn't really matter unless we're talking about kinesiology... but even that might not matter.