Low step 1 score and OBS/Gyne residancy

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5+ Year Member
Apr 20, 2019
Reaction score
Hello everyone I’m IMG and i scored 218 step 1,, Is theres any chance to get in OBs/gyne residency or IM ???

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Generally speaking although score is really important it isn't a definitive factor as far as getting invited to be IVed is concerned.

What you need to do at this point is
- get USCE
- improve your cv (do research, publish articles, volunteer, get some work experience)
- really important --> ace step 2 ck.
there are PD interviews on youtube where they state that many times they don't care as much for step1 score but they'd rather look at LORs and Step2 score to evaluate a candidate.

To be frank you probably won't have a chance at a university affiliated/ competitive program but you never know.