Low Step Score, chances of IM residency?

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Aug 24, 2016
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Got a 209 on my Step 1. Happy I passed on the first try, but not sure if I will be able to get an IM residency. I'm a US IMG, still have to do rotations, and take Step 2. Can anyone shed some light on my situation?

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Got a 209 on my Step 1. Happy I passed on the first try, but not sure if I will be able to get an IM residency. I'm a US IMG, still have to do rotations, and take Step 2. Can anyone shed some light on my situation?

209 as an IMG is going to hurt bad. But people still match. You can probably match IM (super low-tier garbage community place with tons of scut work), but I'd just go for FM because matching FM is better than having zero residency with ridiculous debt. You'll need to drastically improve with your Step 2 and honor your rotations. Then look for residency rosters that are filled with IMGs

Here's more information on match data for international applicants.

You have an uphill battle for sure. There's a ton of white knight IMGs on SDN that'll probably come try to tell you otherwise, but there it is.
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Probably still really bad. I think the honest truth is that for those of us who get under the national average (~230), there may not be residency spots for us. May be best to have a back up plan...
Probably still really bad. I think the honest truth is that for those of us who get under the national average (~230), there may not be residency spots for us. May be best to have a back up plan...

Wtf is this kid talking about
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Probably still really bad. I think the honest truth is that for those of us who get under the national average (~230), there may not be residency spots for us. May be best to have a back up plan...

So the approx ~50% of US grads who score below national average may not get a residency spot? Are you high? Come on man I know you know better than that.

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Probably still really bad. I think the honest truth is that for those of us who get under the national average (~230), there may not be residency spots for us. May be best to have a back up plan...

Look at the bright side. At least we don't have a government hunching over our shoulders who would literally send us off to southern Idaho if we didn't do well on step 1 while only the kings of the step 1 scores get to practice in the most desired cities of the country...... But who knows maybe that will change in the upcoming decade.
i just read the Sap Crystal Report, Damn imgs are doing work on the research front
i just read the Sap Crystal Report, Damn imgs are doing work on the research front
What sort of research are they doing in the Caribbean? or do they come back stateside?
Possibly both but probably state side. I'm just Impressed by how much they do

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Im wondering about the quality of the research. Its rough being an US-IMG and trying to land a good residency.
Im wondering about the quality of the research. Its rough being an US-IMG and trying to land a good residency.

Depends, my buddy has really good research through a urology place that he set up before the island and now he's back there. Depends. But research won't make your app. Board scores will. It just gives you that extra 5% over your competitor with similar stats.

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Probably still really bad. I think the honest truth is that for those of us who get under the national average (~230), there may not be residency spots for us. May be best to have a back up plan...

You have some serious personality disorder and I highly recommend you talk to someone outside SDN about it instead of potentially misinforming hundreds to thousands of medical students who reference these forums.

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Probably still really bad. I think the honest truth is that for those of us who get under the national average (~230), there may not be residency spots for us. May be best to have a back up plan...
Dude, I won't be surprised if you end up not matching. Be confident in yourself and speak good things to yourself. At cut the whole failed at life crap.
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