MA to PhD

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10+ Year Member
Feb 12, 2013
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Hi all,

I'm currently on a wait list for a clinical psych phd program (I will find out tomorrow if I get in!) and I also was accepted to a psychology MA program which has a research track. I'm clearly pulling for the PhD but to ease some of my nerves in the meantime, I was wondering how much of an advantage an MA gives me when applying the second time around. I've heard mixed things and I'm scared to get my MA and then not be able to get into a phd program. I know sometimes credits are not transferable etc. but will certain schools disregard you if you already have an MA, seeing as many schools have a set phd track that includes a MA on the way? Does it limit the schools you can apply to? Any info on this matter would be helpful and ease some of my fears.

Thank you!

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