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Sep 8, 2004
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Anyone have an interview with Marquette yet? Is an interview necessary for acceptance, or can you get accepted w/o one?

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In the past Marquette has only interviewed their in-state applicants. They now desire to conduct interviews as other schools do, but to ease themselves into the transition they are still only interviewing a portion of those who they would really like to interview.

So, you can be accepted without an interview, and just because you don't receive an interview doesn't mean they aren't interested in you, it just means they haven't fully geared-up to an interview process yet. At least this is my understanding.

And as I understand it, next year students won't be admitted without an interview (just like other schools).
From my understanding, after talking to the admission counselor at MU this summer, what Gavin said is 100% true (about admitting students without an interview), but after talking to her about 1 week ago to see where I was at in the process, it sounds as if the latter is true. I cant really tell which way they are going for this year. I would assume in very small cases that you can get in without an inteview, but I am going to say that even for this year you have to get an interview to get in. Admissions directors at various schools are hard to day you can call to get an idea of where you are at and think one thing and a couple weeks down the road when you call them, either: things change in your interpretation of what they are saying, or they change their tune a little bit. I have called my state school a number of times (the admission director knows me pretty well) and 4/5 times in a cycle she would say: "DAT is our #1 factor"....then I call back after I improve my score and she said "We dont just look at the DAT" (pretty obvious that they judge your application overall, but at some schools you get a feel for what they want). Point is, admission directors arent the people who make decisions for admission. They try to go by what the admission committee tells them. It sounds like in each cycle that things can change.

For Marquette, I wouldnt worry if you havent gotten an interview yet, the admission director mentioned they will probably interview until as late as February/March. I would call to see where your application is at.

From now on (2006 cycle) Marquette will only accept those who are interviewed.....for this cycle.....who knows?
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yeah, many people have called or visited marquette and asked about the interview thing, only to be told different stories at different times or by different people. bottom line is i don't think anyone really knows what the truth is about the interview situation at marquette except for themselves. i was interviewed there last month as an out of stater, they didn't tell me anything about why i was chosen to interview or whether everyone had to do it. my feeling is that everyone will be interviewed prior to acceptance, but, who knows? it'll be interesting to see come dec. 1.
pretty sure if you don't get an interview by mid-december, your chances are pretty low.
katiw said:
pretty sure if you don't get an interview by mid-december, your chances are pretty low.
how do u know?
I doubt this person knows for sure that this is the case. When I called MU, they said they are interviewing for sure through January. What I was told is they will stop admitting people at the very latest in March. So, in terms of when interview cut off dates are, who knows? But dont think if you havent gotten an interview from them by now, that you wont get one down the road. Also, the interviews they conducted were the first rounds of interviews....I was told anyone who gets one after the break will still have a good chance to gain acceptance and they arent sure how many more out of staters they will interview.
so frustrating :confused:
Yeah so is this whole process...the waiting...the anticipation...the mystery of everything. This is my 2nd cycle so its "2x" as bad. I know a little more about how the schools work, but its basically a waiting game. Just be patient and (I should follow this advice) try to stay off SDN or you will go crazy.
dyarhea said:
how do u know?

well, i know that they told me they send out most of thier acceptance letters by dec 1. so if it happens like last year where no one says no to marquette, then the waitlist is useless. they can't take anyone from the waitlist because there are no spots. so if you don't have your interview by dec 1, then you're chances of getting a spot are low. so yeah, they interview through february or whatever, but does it really make a huge difference for you? only in your applying for next year because if you are on the waitlist for this year, next year it will look really good.
katiw said:
well, i know that they told me they send out most of thier acceptance letters by dec 1. so if it happens like last year where no one says no to marquette, then the waitlist is useless. they can't take anyone from the waitlist because there are no spots. so if you don't have your interview by dec 1, then you're chances of getting a spot are low. so yeah, they interview through february or whatever, but does it really make a huge difference for you? only in your applying for next year because if you are on the waitlist for this year, next year it will look really good.

I have a question. I visit this forum 5 times a day :eek: . From reading all the threads about Marquette, it isn't quite clear to me whther they do or don't interview out-of-staters? I applied in July and then added Marquette in August but I haven't heard anything yet? I keep calling the school and the woman I spoke to told me that I will hear back by Dec. 1st....but I haven't even received so much as a secondary letter or interview or anything at all? I'm beginning to get worried from everyone saying that "if you haven't heard from them by now, your chances of acceptance are low? I mean, do they accept some applicants w/o even interviewing? In that case, I'll pray that that happens. :)
Call them and ask..they will answer any questions you have. From what I understand however, is that they are interviewing some of the out of staters, but it is not necessary for acceptance. I would guess that those with top stats are in and those in the middle might be granted interview. If you have not even received a letter requesting application fee, I would definitely call them.
derock, i don't think that people with high stats are in without an interview and those in with average stats have to interview. I have 3.8 and 21 on the DAT and had to interview last month, and i know for sure a friend of mine who has a 3.9 and a 20 also got called to interview there. we are both out of state. so whatever their criteria for interviews is... it just doesn't make sense that it has to do with stats. i don't know what it is, though.
Biogirl361 said:
derock, i don't think that people with high stats are in without an interview and those in with average stats have to interview. I have 3.8 and 21 on the DAT and had to interview last month, and i know for sure a friend of mine who has a 3.9 and a 20 also got called to interview there. we are both out of state. so whatever their criteria for interviews is... it just doesn't make sense that it has to do with stats. i don't know what it is, though.

Dayam dude, sick numbers. I had a 3.59 and 18 DAT and have heard NOTHING so far. I completed my secondary about 11-12 weeks ago too.
Neon Black said:
Dayam dude, sick numbers. I had a 3.59 and 18 DAT and have heard NOTHING so far. I completed my secondary about 11-12 weeks ago too.

I turned in my secondary long long time ago, few months ago
BCP GPA: 3.7
DAT 19s 20 22

but...I think no news is good news???? maybe. or not... we will see
mwsung said:
I turned in my secondary long long time ago, few months ago
BCP GPA: 3.7
DAT 19s 20 22

but...I think no news is good news???? maybe. or not... we will see

Very Odd for you not to get an interview so far. Those numbers are fantastic. I wonder what Marquette is smoking.
I talked to a senior at maruqette who is from umm I think montana (but not sure) and he said that marquette just called him up on the phone and asked if he wanted to join. i guess soon after that he got a letter. granted I heard of a lot of changes this year and for the coming years. It seems they are interviewing more people. apparently you would be interviewed by the whole adcom, but this year you are only interviewed by two of the adcom while other interviews are going on simultaneously.
I'm looking forward to the news also...I talked to the secretary today and she said they dont even look at this years grades in consideration of acceptance...which i think is weird and tough for me cause I havent had science classes in a long time!
Does anyone know how many out of state interviews Marquette gives out before Dec. 1st?? How many out of state acceptances sent out on Dec. 1st for out of state??
gUmNuMmEr19 said:
Anyone have an interview with Marquette yet? Is an interview necessary for acceptance, or can you get accepted w/o one?

hi, I can answer your ?... if you are a wisconsin resident you will definatly need an interview, but i believe they interview most applicants they like now... good luck! I did my undergrad work at marquette, it is a great school. I applied last year and didnt get in :-( but thats ok I got waitlisted at Tufts for this past augusts starting class, didnt get in but they deferred my enrollment to start in august 2005! i know what you all are going through...good luck :)