Maryland or VCU?

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Dec 26, 2004
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God! I've never been so confused in my life!!! Can't believe choosing a dental school to go to has been such a pain. Ultimately, I just want to do GP, and would like to go to a school that is clinically strong. Should I just attend VCU (instate for me)? ...does it worth the money to go to Maryland???

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Personally unless you REALLY like maryland I would stick to the in state tuition of VCU. Just curious here, how much more is Maryland for 4 years?
DrTacoElf said:
Personally unless you REALLY like maryland I would stick to the in state tuition of VCU. Just curious here, how much more is Maryland for 4 years?

About 100,000 more
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dhn1113 said:
About 100,000 more

For 15,000 less I would go to VCU. The fact that it is 100,000 less makes the decision a no brainer. Trust me when you get out you will be glad you saved that 100,000 bucks. :)
DrTacoElf said:
For 15,000 less I would go to VCU. The fact that it is 100,000 less makes the decision a no brainer. Trust me when you get out you will be glad you saved that 100,000 bucks. :)

You are so right about the $$$...but..I don't know..i think MD is clinically stronger than VCU and they have a lot more patients. MD has ridiculously high clinical requirements. In terms of the curriculum, I think I'm favoring MD. HOwever, in terms of tuition, I'm leaning towards VCU. I think I would also be more comfortable at VCU because I know a lot of people there, but again, I can get used to MD as well b/c I'm very easily adapted.. Also, in terms of the Boards, if I go to MD, I'll have to take a different board from my classmates if I want to practice in VA, so that's also another thing I'm considering...
dhn1113 said:
You are so right about the $$$...but..I don't know..i think MD is clinically stronger than VCU and they have a lot more patients. MD has ridiculously high clinical requirements. In terms of the curriculum, I think I'm favoring MD. HOwever, in terms of tuition, I'm leaning towards VCU. I think I would also be more comfortable at VCU because I know a lot of people there, but again, I can get used to MD as well b/c I'm very easily adapted.. Also, in terms of the Boards, if I go to MD, I'll have to take a different board from my classmates if I want to practice in VA, so that's also another thing I'm considering...

Maryland may be better in some areas but do you honestly think your education will be $100,000 better if you go to maryland. Will you be that much more marketable when you exit or advanced in terms of skill? History and talking to many practicing dentists says not -- most say you get back what you put in regardless of the program. Anyways they are both good schools and personally I think its also easier to go to school where you desire to practice and are most comfortable. Good luck with the decision.
DrTacoElf said:
Maryland may be better in some areas but do you honestly think your education will be $100,000 better if you go to maryland. Will you be that much more marketable when you exit or advanced in terms of skill? History and talking to many practicing dentists says not -- most say you get back what you put in regardless of the program. Anyways they are both good schools and personally I think its also easier to go to school where you desire to practice and are most comfortable. Good luck with the decision.

Do you know the rate of acceptance into specialites at MD?
dhn1113 said:
Do you know the rate of acceptance into specialites at MD?

I am wondering the same thing...I think I will call the school tomorrow or arrange for a visit sometime this week. I, too, am having the same debate between MD and another school.

Good luck!
holamadrid said:
I am wondering the same thing...I think I will call the school tomorrow or arrange for a visit sometime this week. I, too, am having the same debate between MD and another school.

Good luck!
Ok come on guys. The rate of acceptance into specialty programs should not be your deciding factor when choosing a school. Schools that have have rates have those rates because they tend to have students who would have matched into programs regardless of where they were at school.

if you are a specialization-type student, that means you expect to have the numbers to back you up. Having a certain dental school name on your resume will carry MUCH less weight than your board scores, GPA, rank, and recommendations.

If you go to a school that has a typically high (maybe 96%) specialization rate, there are still those 4% who didn't make it (or, maybe didn't even apply...remember, you might still change your mind about specializing--as a pre-dent all we have is our SPECULATION of what it is going to be like...what do WE know???).

Point is, you have to be good (actually, GREAT), no matter where you go. in a school that has a high rate, your only benefit will be that you are surrounded by other people who want to acheive the same thing you want (and this might not be to your advantage).
holamadrid said:
I am wondering the same thing...I think I will call the school tomorrow or arrange for a visit sometime this week. I, too, am having the same debate between MD and another school.

Good luck!

Let me know if you have found anything new! Thanks a bunch!
i don't think maryland clinicaly is better i think research wise maryland is better. but vcu has a strong clinical program.
I dont understand how you got $100000. If Maryland is $15000 exta a year times four makes $60000.

I too have the same delema. I really want to go to Maryland, I feel that the environment there would suit me. However, VCU is appealing because it is so much less money. In the grand scheme, I think one should go with their gut, when you are earning $200000+ a year, the $60000 extra wont make that big of a difference.
dentist_to_be? said:
I dont understand how you got $100000. If Maryland is $15000 exta a year times four makes $60000.

I too have the same delema. I really want to go to Maryland, I feel that the environment there would suit me. However, VCU is appealing because it is so much less money. In the grand scheme, I think one should go with their gut, when you are earning $200000+ a year, the $60000 extra wont make that big of a difference.

not a good mindset to have.
Go with VCU, hands down. $60,000 is a lot of money. Trust me....I took that much out this year alone for everything. If I could have cut that down somehow, I would have. Both are good schools and you will receive a good education at either school.
adamlc18 said:
Go with VCU, hands down. $60,000 is a lot of money. Trust me....I took that much out this year alone for everything. If I could have cut that down somehow, I would have. Both are good schools and you will receive a good education at either school.

Its a tough decision for me... because I like Maryland far more than I like VCU. Also my family is nearby Maryland... I wish there was a way to change residency, seeing as how I am right on the border of MD/Virginia. If I had known a year ago, I could have easily done it, they require you live 12 months prior to matriculation. But I spoke to a few studenst there, and there were a few that have changed their residency after one year. Apparently there are ways to get around the system :D

But I might be speaking prematurely... I havent gotten into either schools yet ;)