Masters/Post Bac

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10+ Year Member
Feb 28, 2012
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Hey guys,

I was wondering if the majority of people who are accepted into Dental school completed a masters/post bac? I'll be graduating next year and I really don't want to have to take another year

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Majority of accepted dental school applicants are traditional undergraduate seniors

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Hey guys,

I was wondering if the majority of people who are accepted into Dental school completed a masters/post bac? I'll be graduating next year and I really don't want to have to take another year

Depends on the school...half my class has a Masters
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If you have good grades then there is no need for a masters or postbacc. Most do this option if their gpa is lower. If you don't want to spend another year in school then don't and stop acting like a 6 year old girl
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Not exactly the original claim.

Oh okay...wasn't aware it was a big of a deal as its turning out to be. The gist was, it varies from school, I hope thats what the OP got out of my "Original Claim"

you win...
Oh okay...wasn't aware it was a big of a deal as its turning out to be. The gist was, it varies from school, I hope thats what the OP got out of my "Original Claim" you win...

Your are very gracious in your concession, however, this is not about winning or losing. The "gist" of the response was about dissemination of misinformation, where you definitely excel.
Hey guys,

I was wondering if the majority of people who are accepted into Dental school completed a masters/post bac? I'll be graduating next year and I really don't want to have to take another year
I would say the majority of accepted students are not Masters students, but the majority of Masters students become accepted. :)