Mayo vs Top Medical School

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May 5, 2018
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Please don't bash me for asking this question. I am a Yale senior. Would you say that Mayo, MN is as prestigious as the other Ivies. Let's say that I don't have any concerns about class size, weather, or fees. I got accepted into Mayo and am trying to see if I should wait and apply next year to see if I could get into Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, or Yale (my dream schools).

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I thought the first post kind of indicated getting off the waitlist, but could be wrong.

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I’m the post history you’ll find a decision between mayo and Baylor and it was indicated there that they were waiting on financial aid from mayo so they probably got pulled off the WL
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I would like to clear something here. I got accepted in Mayo and Baylor. The acceptances were not from waitlist. I already sent my confirmation to Mayo on April 30th. I was debating if I should withdraw the acceptance and apply again next year. I was trying to find out if applying late was the main issue in not getting interviews and if that was the case, I was planning to correct that while reapplying. Thanks to everyone that provided valuable insight. Shocked at the foul languages used by others that consider medicine as their career.
I would like to clear something here. I got accepted in Mayo and Baylor. The acceptances were not from waitlist. I already sent my confirmation to Mayo on April 30th. I was debating if I should withdraw the acceptance and apply again next year. I was trying to find out if applying late was the main issue in not getting interviews and if that was the case, I was planning to correct that while reapplying. Thanks to everyone that provided valuable insight. Shocked at the foul languages used by others that consider medicine as their career.

If you pull an acceptance at Mayo you will not receive an MD acceptance next cycle, regardless of your timing. I hope that's been made abundantly clear in this thread.
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I would like to clear something here. I got accepted in Mayo and Baylor. The acceptances were not from waitlist. I already sent my confirmation to Mayo on April 30th. I was debating if I should withdraw the acceptance and apply again next year. I was trying to find out if applying late was the main issue in not getting interviews and if that was the case, I was planning to correct that while reapplying. Thanks to everyone that provided valuable insight. Shocked at the foul languages used by others that consider medicine as their career.
Mayo's a phenomenal program. Congrats to you!


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I would like to clear something here. I got accepted in Mayo and Baylor. The acceptances were not from waitlist. I already sent my confirmation to Mayo on April 30th. I was debating if I should withdraw the acceptance and apply again next year. I was trying to find out if applying late was the main issue in not getting interviews and if that was the case, I was planning to correct that while reapplying. Thanks to everyone that provided valuable insight. Shocked at the foul languages used by others that consider medicine as their career.
I'm going to stick with my Chandler theme and say that is sooo NOT what your original post stated. Your original post asked if you should drop a top school to try to get into another top school because you didn't like the brand name of the first top school. It wasn't until later (I believe post #32), after you mentioned how you didn't like Mayo's rankings (why that wasn't clear to you before applying is beyond me), that you even first mentioned the issue with the timing of your app submission.

While I may not agree with the wording of what some of the other posters have said, I do agree with their basic premise that you should take your Mayo acceptance and run with it.
I would like to clear something here. I got accepted in Mayo and Baylor. The acceptances were not from waitlist. I already sent my confirmation to Mayo on April 30th. I was debating if I should withdraw the acceptance and apply again next year. I was trying to find out if applying late was the main issue in not getting interviews and if that was the case, I was planning to correct that while reapplying. Thanks to everyone that provided valuable insight. Shocked at the foul languages used by others that consider medicine as their career.

I hope you learned something from all this. I understand you might be upset with the comments but you are clearly a bright person having gotten into Yale for UG then Baylor and Mayo, and maybe because you went to Yale you have that Ivy or bust mentality. People on this thread were just very alarmed that someone that could get into those schools has such a profound lack of insight and judgment that they really think it would be wise to pull an acceptance from a top medical school because they want more offers next year- this would not happen schools would know you were accepted before. There are no guarantees ever and it would be foolish for you to think otherwise. That and the fact that school "brand name" mattered that much to you or that you didn't realize how good Mayo and Baylor are. Thats not a good look going forward.

You can only attend one school, getting into any med school in the U.S. is an extremely difficult endeavor, you got into 2, and 2 very very good ones. You should be happy with that-- as to whether you applied too late for the others, it doesn't matter anymore, but even if you did, there are so many accomplished brilliant people applying to med school at Harvard, Stanford, and Hopkins that no matter what your grades and MCAT are, there are no guarantees for acceptance with so much elite competition. You take this acceptance and celebrate. The rest are what ifs and don't matter.
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