MCAT accommodations-double time

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Apr 5, 2018
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Hi all, I'm taking the MCAT in a few months and applying for double time. I've heard it's very hard to get. I was wondering if anyone had received it? If so, what did you do?

I have cerebral palsy, ADD, anxiety, reading comprehension issues, vision problems and learning disabilities that were a result of a grade IV IVH. I have always gotten double time in college (and have had accommodations since pre-school-I used to get unlimited time because the system through my district just handled it that way). I have always used that full time. I received it on my GRE and did ok. Certainly not wonderfully well.

You're supposed to provide documentation of your ACT or SAT, but I didn't receive double time for those exams because I genuinely didn't know you could get it.

It appears that you're expected to provide accommodations as far back as you have received them. Did anyone else do this?

My latest test results (full neuropsych eval) were a bit of a mixed bag.

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Hi all, I'm taking the MCAT in a few months and applying for double time. I've heard it's very hard to get. I was wondering if anyone had received it? If so, what did you do?

I have cerebral palsy, ADD, anxiety, reading comprehension issues, vision problems and learning disabilities that were a result of a grade IV IVH. I have always gotten double time in college (and have had accommodations since pre-school-I used to get unlimited time because the system through my district just handled it that way). I have always used that full time. I received it on my GRE and did ok. Certainly not wonderfully well.

You're supposed to provide documentation of your ACT or SAT, but I didn't receive double time for those exams because I genuinely didn't know you could get it.

It appears that you're expected to provide accommodations as far back as you have received them. Did anyone else do this?

My latest test results (full neuropsych eval) were a bit of a mixed bag.
i have it. and i just submitted a whole slew of documents
If anyone can privately DM us this would be wonderful. I have ADHD and eye defect, yet they denied extended time for me. I'm seriously thinking of contacting ADA.
Over the years, about two-thirds of our students who shared their experience with me got extended time (time and a half or double time.) It was a lengthy process that required updated tests and a documented history of getting extended time in college. My best advice is that you need to be patient and submit everything they ask for. If you've gotten it in the past, then keep on asking them until you get a positive response. Their response time will vary depending on how busy they are. I've seen people get confirmed in as little as three weeks and as long as three months.
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I have a handwriting disability due to poor fine motor skills, which makes CHEM/PHYS difficult because my writing is so bad that I cannot interpret equations that I write out. Because I was able to prove that I have had this disability since I was 3 (by showing OT assessments going back to then, along with 4 neuropsychs) I was able to get a get scribe for the MCAT along with time and a half. If you can prove your disability goes back a long time and is not something that you invented just to get extra time you should be able to get double time.

PS. I do not want to turn this into a debate about my ability to serve as a doctor. I understand my limits and have every intention of choosing a non-procedural field, where this disability will be a none issue.
i have it. and i just submitted a whole slew of documents

If you don’t mind sharing, what kind of documentation did you include and for what disability? I just applied for 100% extra time accommodations and unfortunately I was denied, despite my extensive documentation. I am working on my reconsideration, but I am not sure what else to include.
If you don’t mind sharing, what kind of documentation did you include and for what disability? I just applied for 100% extra time accommodations and unfortunately I was denied, despite my extensive documentation. I am working on my reconsideration, but I am not sure what else to include.
Despite giving many years worth of substantiation that I was given 2x the allotted time for exams at major universities, after going through multiple, PsyD and Psychiatrist testing and having that support, I was denied any sort of extra time for the sections.

When the PsyD called to discuss with the AAMC, she was "able" to get me 60 minutes of extra "stop-the-clock" time and a private room. NO extra time for the sections.

The extra time to take each section (120 mins v 90 mins) may depend on how well your disability evaluator advocates for you.
Wow, I am sorry! I am in a similar predicament currently. Did you submit an appeal or a reconsideration? I got partial accommodations but not my 100% additional time which is what I indicated I needed the most. I just don’t understand how the GRE process for accommodations was so much faster, simpler, and they actually provided a form for your university’s disability resource center to fill out. I’m failing to understand how AAMC can be this selective and make the process so lengthy and hindering. A disability is a disability is a disability. It’s not going to change based on what exam i’m taking wether it’s a humanities quiz or the MCAT. For them to make the INITIAL process 60 days and still not provide necessary accommodations after 30+ pages of documentation is nearly discriminatory. They are picking and choosing who is granted what accommodations despite the fact an individual has always received these accommodations. It is invalidating and discredits the many licensed professionals who treat my disabilities for a living. This is something that I cannot change about myself, something that I struggle with every single day. I understand I have to put in more time and effort than my peers, and endure academic tribulation they might never have to deal with. But for them to compose an application requiring a lot of time, money, and resurface of trauma only to throw it back in your face and invalidate the impact of the disabilities you just desperately worked hard to explain.... extremely discouraging, offensive, and DISABLING. These student resource disability centers were put in place in order to allow students with disabilities an equal opportunity to pursue their education. AAMC’s process has proven to me just the opposite.