MCAT BS and PS help

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Feb 19, 2008
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I really need some help with this situation! I feel like I am pretty confident with the PS and BS material, BUT I cannot seem to pass a 10 on both of the sections. Can the people here who scored above a 10 on these sections tell me what is required to pass the 10 on each section. Also I could use some advice on how to answer science passages. Many people post verbal strategies, but how about some science strategies :)

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Check out the over 30+ thread.

My best tip is to print out from AAMC a complete list of topics and make sure you know all of them!

Happy studying!
thanks! I looked through the 30+ MCAT thread, but it doesnt really contain too much information on strategies for the exam . It mostly covers the different types of prep materials used and the time studied. What is the big difference in preparation for a 10 vs. 14 in PS ans BS?
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thanks! I looked through the 30+ MCAT thread, but it doesnt really contain too much information on strategies for the exam . It mostly covers the different types of prep materials used and the time studied. What is the big difference in preparation for a 10 vs. 14 in PS ans BS?

Once you understand the basics, it comes down to figuring out the style of the questioning. I would say go over practice tests and problems and try to see why you are getting things right and wrong.

I would say that would get you in the consistent 12's.