MCAT Subsection Range

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Osteopathic Foot Dentist
10+ Year Member
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I took Kaplan's MCAT practice test today, and I got a score that would put me above the mean for all pod schools. The only problem is, my subsection score range is 8 (yeah, I know). If you look at a lot of medical school guide books, it breaks down each section of the MCAT and the school's mean subsection scores. I've never seen/heard of that for pod schools. I know having fairly uniform scores are better, but do adcoms actually care?

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That sub-section MCAT information would be very helpful; perhaps, asking the deans, teachers, etc...why this information is not (readily) transparent akin to allopathic medical schools would shed light on the ranges of sub-section MCATs scores for podiatric schools and admission standards.
Take the average, divide by three.

It's always better to have similar scores between sections. Performing outstandingly well on one section and several points lower on another looks good in overall score, but shows subpar understanding of the lower-scored section.

If you get a 27 on the MCAT, it will look better to have 3 9's than a 6, a 12 and a 9.

Just common sense, really. If you look at allopathic/osteopathic subsection averages, they're generally very similar.

Always better to understand it all than spend all your time on one section. a 15 on physics with a 4 on biology/reading is a 23 that will show you've got phenomenal understanding of physics and don't know diddly about the others. I'm not saying you won't get in with that, but it would be hard to explain in an interview.

Remember the overarching concept of a well-rounded applicant.
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I took Kaplan's MCAT practice test today, and I got a score that would put me above the mean for all pod schools. The only problem is, my subsection score range is 8 (yeah, I know). If you look at a lot of medical school guide books, it breaks down each section of the MCAT and the school's mean subsection scores. I've never seen/heard of that for pod schools. I know having fairly uniform scores are better, but do adcoms actually care?

I had a range of 5 on my score breakdown: High was Bio at 12, Low was Physical Science at 7.

In my interviews (Osteopathic) a lot of faculty members made comments about physics and gen chem being barely applicable to medicine. This was without a knowledge of my MCAT, so I felt good about that.

I ended up getting in to my #1, and have been excelling ever since. Physics weakness has yet to give me fits.
I had a range of 5 on my score breakdown: High was Bio at 12, Low was Physical Science at 7.

In my interviews (Osteopathic) a lot of faculty members made comments about physics and gen chem being barely applicable to medicine. This was without a knowledge of my MCAT, so I felt good about that.

I ended up getting in to my #1, and have been excelling ever since. Physics weakness has yet to give me fits.

This is encouraging, but let's just say my lowest score wasn't physical sciences or verbal haha. I will really need to bring the Bio up, to at least a somewhat average score which studying will hopefully remedy.