Med School Secondaries

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Apr 2, 2020
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Pardon my novice question, I know one should always check beforehand before applying, but I was wondering when applying to US MD/DO Schools, if an applicant were not to meet the pre-requisites for entry, would they ever still proceed to the secondaries round? Anyone here know of what MD/DO schools have no pre-requisites (other than having a degree)

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1) Most schools have policies allowing you to apply with completing prereqs
2) Most schools allow you to complete prereqs prior to matriculation
3) most schools have policies allow those with at least 90 credits to matriculate. This used to be used when recruiting outstanding undergrads and is rarely, if ever used now except for combined/linked BS/MD programs
4) While some schools do not have specific prereqs, these schools still expect 30-45 credits in "hard" science and math to be a competitive applicant (see below example from Einstein)
5) If you are considering applying to medical school, then you have both the MSAR and the CIB (for DO) to find out school specifics

Course Requirements | M.D. Admissions | Albert Einstein College of Medicine
In our experience, the above Knowledge Competencies are most successfully attained by applicants who have had a minimum of three years of study toward a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university in the U.S. or Canada as well as 40 credit hours of science and mathematics, including advanced biology courses for which letter grades are available (not Pass/Fail, unless college policy), or, unless the college, university or post-bac program suspended grades for the COVID-19 virus, and a statement confirming is submitted via the AMCAS Letter Writer by the Pre-Medical Advisor or the applicant’s individual advisor), 40 credit hours of humanities and social sciences, and substantial experience in clinical, community, and/or research activities (as described above). Students who complete their science course work in a post-baccalaureate program must have completed at least 30 credit hours in a U.S.-chartered college or university whose grades can be reported and verified by AMCAS.
Thank you so much!!! This is so great! Is MSAR kept up to date by the schools?
So should I be trusting the MSAR page, or for every school that I'm applying to, I also need to be going on the Med School's website and cross-referencing? (i.e.: pre-req's, cutoff's, etc....)