Medical equipment loan recommendations?

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Interventional Pain Management
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20+ Year Member
Jan 9, 2002
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Do any of you have tips on how to find loans with good rates to purchase medical equipment? I've tried to avoid loans in the past and have very little experience in shopping around.

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Do any of you have tips on how to find loans with good rates to purchase medical equipment? I've tried to avoid loans in the past and have very little experience in shopping around.
Wells Fargo has a whole division just for physician practice loans. I used them to start my practice.
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Bank of the west just started marketing something similar. Sounds like a small business loan, specific to doctors and unsecured. Meeting with banker to discuss soon.
Do any of you have tips on how to find loans with good rates to purchase medical equipment? I've tried to avoid loans in the past and have very little experience in shopping around.
What kind of stuff were u looking to get?
smaller local banks seem more amendable and or less red tape when getting loans for private practice, atleast that was my experience.