Medical School Film Series

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7+ Year Member
Dec 21, 2015
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Hi everyone, I'm preparing to enter medical school here at the University of Oklahoma in the fall, and couldn't be more excited about it. I know it's my #1 job to keep up with the material every day and never let that slip, but I've been giving serious thought to the possibility of bringing a Film Series to the OU Health Sciences Center campus. I believe that film, above all, is an empathy engine, forcing audiences to connect with ideas and individuals outside themselves. As a future doctor, I think that can only be for the better.

I'm not concerned at the moment with the logistics or with whether or not I could actually put any butts in seats, but rather with any and all constructive input about how to approach the selection of yearly themes and possible selections for those themes.

Right now I've got a few musings:

Sight and Blindness: ?

Life's Worth: ...

Memory: Memento, Bourne (Any), Shutter Island, Inception, Still Alice, ...

Aging: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, etc

Addiction and Abuse: The Long Weekend, Requiem for a Dream, Trainspotting, or whatever

Or more specialization focused...again, all input would be appreciated!

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Also, I'd considered screening a year of films focused on medical students and doctors pushing the boundaries of medical ethics. Each film would be followed by open, guided discussions about the issues at play w/in the film.

Flatliners (of which I'm not personally a fan)
Re-Animator (a little racy, but provocative)
Contagion(Soderbergh, so it must be great)
American Mary (Dark, and I'm just realizing all these suggestions are horror flicks...)

Hep me out guys! I need some new thoughts from somebody besides me!