medical schools in Australia

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Monica D

New Member
Jun 6, 2023
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Has anyone applied to medical schools in Australia? If so, how is the application and interview process different from US schools?

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Here's the forum where you will find threads about Australian schools. Australasia and Oceania
There's also UQ/Ochsner in which you complete the first 2 years in Queensland and the clinical years in New Orleans, but your degree will be deemed a foreign medical degree at the end.
For the most part, Australian schools evaluate you on your GPA and MCAT only, with the exception of a few portfolio schools they do not care about anything else including extracurriculars or personal statement. If you meet their requirements, they will offer you an interview, and if you interview well you can generally be admitted. If you have a good MCAT, it is not difficult to get admitted to most Australian schools.

Why Australia though, what's your goal with this? If your primary goal is to come back to the US then Australia wouldn't be the best first choice. I'm a current student in the UQ-Ochsner program that wysdoc mentioned and also was accepted to several Australian schools. Happy to answer any specific questions you have.
Has anyone applied to medical schools in Australia? If so, how is the application and interview process different from US schools?

I applied from North America. I'm now a consultant in Australia and a senior lecturer (like an associate professor) at one of medical schools here.

The application process is very different in the sense that it's criteria driven. If you meet the criteria, you will be offered a standardized interview. The criteria are oriented toward rankings based on GPA, MCAT, and then interview performance.

It's also easier to get into medical school and much harder to complete fellowship. For example, the emergency medicine fellowship exam has had a pass rate as low as 38%.

Overall, I think the training is more humane, and I'm so glad I trained here. It was one of the best decisions of my life.