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I hope they did, and I hope they put up a fight. People like that forfeit their right to live, and I shed no tears for any and all of them being massacred.
I hope they did, and I hope they put up a fight. People like that forfeit their right to live, and I shed no tears for any and all of them being massacred.
I bet if you asked all the EPs everywhere every single one of us wishes we could stop the new patients from rolling in just once in a while.
I bet if you asked all the EPs everywhere every single one of us wishes we could stop the new patients from rolling in just once in a while.
Kittenmommy, I had a patient in my residency clinic who survived been "torched" (her word, not mine) by her husband. She was constantly in and out of the psych hospital. She told me that she wished she had died. Her husband was released from prision early for good behavior.
One of my good friends, who admittedly used to be on the heavy side: "I've been losing weight, man. I've lost 25 pounds without even trying!"
I suppose what sucks with a medical education is noticing the red flags.
while I won't be able to defend any of you,
So.... if you could go back, who would choose EM again? there's gotta be a reason you chose it in the first place? just curious... im considering EM
One thing that really sucks about EM is that you really can't devote a lot of time to a bad situation even when you want to. I had one of those unfortunately all too common situations in Vegas where one half of an elderly couple who are visiting just drops dead. So once more I have to tell some sweet LOL that her husband of 50 years is dead and she has to go back to the hotel all alone. She's 85 and clearly overwhelmed and she's gotta go back, spend the night (crying I assume) then get up, pack up their stuff, get to the airport and get home. Somewhere in there she's gotta make arrangements to get the body home and she's gotta tell the kids.
I really felt sorry for this one. I really wanted to call the hotel and see if the concierge could help her out some, call some family so she didn't have to, just try to make things easier. But by the time the code was over there were 9 charts in the rack and one was a STEMI. So I had to give the quickie, I'm so sorry for your loss speech and hurry off.
I bet if you asked all the EPs everywhere every single one of us wishes we could stop the new patients from rolling in just once in a while.
Get real its a job, we do a job! Mechanics don't fret over who caused the problem they simply make a repair. Get over yourself............🙄
GBM is a MF!
60-something yo guy w/ familial dilated cardiomyopathy s/p Heart transplant 5y ago, doing great, annual biopsy 1 month ago showed no rejection, admitted w/ back pain and dyspnea. CXR shows lobar collapse and mediastinal fullness. CT chest/abd/pelvis shows a 4cm spiculated mass in 1 lung, 5 ~1cm masses in the other, liver littered w/ goobers, entire T and L-spine riddled w/ mets, rt hemi-pelvis essentially nothing but mets. Stage IV NSCLC.
Galloping tumours are a risk with transplants-and as you found, the person can go from 'well' to 'palliative' in mere days. My grandmother was 5 years s/p liver transplant and doing great; she was on the lowest doses of anti rejection drugs the transplant team had ever used-it was like her donor was an identical twin instead of an 18 year old boy.
This is in "Things I Learn..." format but for obvious reasons it's here instead.
Don't stay with your abusive boyfriend after he's beaten you time and time again thinking he'll change. He'll eventually kill you.
1) couple months ago, 3 m/o male multiple extremity, rib, skull fx's tubed in the PICU. half-starved, **** suckle, and withdraws from all stimuli. got the fx's b/c mom "accidentally" bumped into a wall while holding him. uh huh. as if that weren't enough, mom is 19 y/o and dad is also the baby's grandfather. AWESOME. here's the clincher - the attorney for the family wants to know if it's possible the kid has osteogenesis imperfecta. right. ok. no f---ing way, *****, and my attending is about 2 sec from beating you with your own clipboard.
Our place recently put in an EMR system. During slow periods on my rotations, I would go browse the ED roster for interesting cases that would be heading to the service I was on. For instance, when I was on renal I would look for ESRD's... when on neurosurgery I'd look for head or spinal traumas.
A couple weeks ago, I pulled up the file on a 3 y/o pt in the ED.
Chief complaint, according to the computer? "Rape kit."
I don't browse the ED roster on the computer anymore. 😡
My grandfather passed away a few months ago. He had a huge MI while on a cruise near Mexico for his and my grandmother's 60th anniversary. Airlifted back to a domestic hospital a week later in cardiogenic shock, and died a few hours after that in the cath lab.
When the interventional cards guy came out to tell us he had passed away, he had tears in his eyes and was quite upset. I was surprised that he still got that upset over something he likely has to do all too often. I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing...maybe both?
1) couple months ago, 3 m/o male multiple extremity, rib, skull fx's tubed in the PICU. half-starved, **** suckle, and withdraws from all stimuli. got the fx's b/c mom "accidentally" bumped into a wall while holding him. uh huh. as if that weren't enough, mom is 19 y/o and dad is also the baby's grandfather. AWESOME. here's the clincher - the attorney for the family wants to know if it's possible the kid has osteogenesis imperfecta. right. ok. no f---ing way, *****, and my attending is about 2 sec from beating you with your own clipboard.
A few years ago I took a workshop with Roy Hazelwood- FBI Profiler (one of the originals) on Serial Sexual Sadists. Some you know, some you don't hear of---made the huge mistake of asking him about 'youngest rape victim'. Sometimes you don't want answers. I wish I could UNhear his answer. I just do NOT understand some people.
I'm afraid to ask the answer Roy Hazelwood gave you. Especially since I think over in the Things I Learned thread, there's a six month old answer to that question.
Jesus Christ. The things people can do to one another. Especially the most helpless.
Once when we were watching Law and Order, I remarked to Kittendaddy that I wasn't sure who sees more tragedy: a doctor or a police officer. Arguments could be made either way, IMO.
My brother's a corrections officer. The stories he's told about WHY people have ended up in his "care" are hair raising. And horrible. And will break your heart every time. People do some seriously f'ed up things to one another.
This is one of the many reasons why I prefer animals to people.
No lie. And one of the many reasons I worry about my 14 year old daughter.