Mental health in dumps...need help deferring matriculation

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2+ Year Member
Jul 1, 2018
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Hi all,

To keep this short, my immediate family has been going through some **** for the last couple of months (I live with them). Lots of relational drama, old trauma being brought up, etc. I found myself stuck in the middle trying to appease everyone. As a result, I feel mentally exhausted and not ready or eager to start medical school in the summer.

I’ve heard medical schools have extremely varying policies about delaying matriculation. I’m not sure I would be 100% comfortable telling the school my reason for deferring, or if they would even accept it as a “valid” reason. Or if they may hold it against me somehow.

My question is- how should I go about deferring, and when should I reach out?

(Also should mention I’m trying to get into therapy right now, but I don’t think a few months is enough to get me into the right headspace, especially since the situation with my family is ongoing.)

Any advice is appreciated please. DM’s are open as well

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You should reach out once you have made a decision on which school you would like to attend, and prepare yourself to be told no. Deferrals are relatively rare, and med school itself is extremely stressful. If you tell anyone you are too stressed to begin right now, you very well could be signaling that you are at risk for not making it through the 4 years, so be very careful here.

OTOH, you really do need to take care of yourself. If you are not ready now, you probably should ask for the deferral. If they turn you down, withdraw and reapply when you are ready. Starting med school and later needing to withdraw will be much worse than withdrawing now before you begin. Good luck!!!