Mentioning undergrad institution in "Why us" secondary for a public medical school in the same state

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Jul 19, 2024
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I attended a private university with a medical school as an undergrad and am applying to a public med school in the same state, my home state.

A family friend (an adcom in a health-related professional school) helping me with my secondaries included a few sentences describing why I am choosing the public medical school over the medical school at my undergrad institution. Is this a good idea?

In my version, I focussed only on the attributes of the public school that I find attractive.

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I attended a private university with a medical school as an undergrad and am applying to a public med school in the same state, my home state.

A family friend (an adcom in a health-related professional school) helping me with my secondaries included a few sentences describing why I am choosing the public medical school over the medical school at my undergrad institution. Is this a good idea?

In my version, I focussed only on the attributes of the public school that I find attractive.
Save "why not attend school X" for interviews.
If the school is specifically asking you why you aren't applying to your private school they already know the answer.... you want to stay in the area and you want to pay lower tuition than you'd be paying at a private school. Beyond that, is there any other reason? Give the other reasons first, then get into how the location and low cost might help you reach your career goals.
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If the school is specifically asking you why you aren't applying to your private school they already know the answer.... you want to stay in the area and you want to pay lower tuition than you'd be paying at a private school. Beyond that, is there any other reason? Give the other reasons first, then get into how the location and low cost might help you reach your career goals.
Thanks @LizzyM

No they are not specifically asking that question. It is the common question, "What motivates you to apply to ABC medical school"
(and low tuition).
And everything else that the school has going for it in terms of curriculum and co-curricular offerings, physical plant, student services. Your job is to fit that into a tidy paragraph.
Having attended an expensive private college, you might have fewer resources than someone with a fat bankroll who attended an inexpensive public university. That could make you all the more cost conscious.