Midwestern AZ

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7+ Year Member
Jun 9, 2015
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Any dental students lurking on here that attend Midwestern Arizona? If so, could you reply below so I can message you just to ask some questions or just message me!


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How many reference letters are we supposed to send in?
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I highly suggest you find a cheaper option elsewhere if that is even available.

A dentist with 500k will pose a huge struggle for you later no matter how confident the faculty at MWU AZ entrust in their students' capability to cash money upon graduation
I highly suggest you find a cheaper option elsewhere if that is even available.

A dentist with 500k will pose a huge struggle for you later no matter how confident the faculty at MWU AZ entrust in their students' capability to cash money upon graduation

I appreciate your concern. Dental school is expensive no matter which way you slice it. I imagine if this school was the only option for a student to fulfill their dental school dreams, they'd be more than willing to pay the 500k. However, I will be attending this great university on a full ride scholarship (courtesy of the Air Force) starting next fall.
Midwestern is a great program, the clinical experience in the 3rd and 4th year is like no other program. Yes it is expensive, but you are investing in yourself. As 3rd and 4th years you spend 40 hours in clinic working on patients and doing what you will be doing in the future as a practicing dentist. They also have the specialties in house so you are able to, at the least, watch and experience, and even at times partake in procedures. Being able to work on patients on a daily basis, and just as important, interacting and becoming comfortable with the customer service aspect of dentistry is what justifies the high cost. I was skeptical going into the program but after going through it, I feel that this program prepares you very well for life after school.
The ADEA guide says that a LOR from a community service supervisor is expected. Did y'all submit one?