Midwestern Masters in Biomedical Sciences vs LECOM

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Dr Gengar

New Member
Jun 2, 2021
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Hello, I have some questions about the Masters in Biomedical Sciences program. I just started a Masters in Medical Sciences at LECOM this week. However, I just got an acceptance to Midwestern's program (in IL). I really like this school, and it is local which is huge for me, so would like to attend here if accepted. I couldn't find any threads on how tough the Masters at Midwestern is, how many people matriculate into the med school via the program, and if the previous students who took it, would recommend it. I'm still on the fence between the two because the tuition costs between the med schools is night and day, almost 200-300k more to go to Midwestern, so I'm not sure if I will follow through with it. If anyone has any information regarding the Masters in Biomedical sciences program at Midwestern, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you

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LECOM-Erie campus used to have specific requirements (3.4-3.5 GPA in post bacc) that basically handed you an acceptance to the med school at one of their campuses. Not sure if that guarantee is there anymore, but if it is- the choice is a no brainer.