Minority Recruitment

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Mar 7, 2008
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Does anyone have any good references for minority recruitment related to reducing financial burden and/or time commitment? I am having trouble finding information on this. I think I remember a few individuals on here with an interest in minority populations. Thanks!

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Sorry, that wasn't very clear was it. Let me try again.
I am looking for research that provides methodological solutions or opportunities that deal with any of the following related to recruitment (of minorities if possible):
1) reducing financial burden to aid recruitment
2) reducing time commitment to aid recruitment
3) Making research more accessible

Does that make more sense?
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research studies.
recruitment to what?

polka music?

There's a researcher by the name of Yankovic who has been doing research like that for around 25 years now. He had a show on UHF for awhile.

He's also done work on food and eating, and on the Amish.