Missing Pre-Req's

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Jul 7, 2009
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I graduated from college in 2006 and am now applying to dental school. I have been looking at the websites of some of the schools that I've applied to, and I don't have some of their pre-req's. Here are the schools and what I'm missing:

Michigan: Sociology
Indiana: Anatomy
Midwestern: Anatomy
Oregon: Anatomy

I took a biology course with a lab that was called "animal diversity" where we looked at the anatomy of different animals, and did a weekly dissection. Does anyone know if there are ever exceptions made for these pre-reqs, or if an animal anatomy course would fulfill the requirement? Thanks!

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I graduated from college in 2006 and am now applying to dental school. I have been looking at the websites of some of the schools that I've applied to, and I don't have some of their pre-req's. Here are the schools and what I'm missing:

Michigan: Sociology
Indiana: Anatomy
Midwestern: Anatomy
Oregon: Anatomy

I took a biology course with a lab that was called "animal diversity" where we looked at the anatomy of different animals, and did a weekly dissection. Does anyone know if there are ever exceptions made for these pre-reqs, or if an animal anatomy course would fulfill the requirement? Thanks!

I don't think they will allow it since they specify that HUMAN anatomy class/lab are required.
Actually I didn't take anatomy yet but still applied to midwestern today (I know it's kinda late to apply because I wasn't sure whether to apply or not without pre requisite).

However, one of my friends got accepted to VCU dental hygiene program without couple of requirements such as microbiology and she told them she will take it before enrollment.

I also saw a girl who applied to midwestern without anatomy. I asked her why she applied without requirement and she said she will tell them that she will take it eventually.

I think I will do the same thing. If they interview me, I will tell them that I will definitely take anatomy.

Basically, we are on the same boat :) Send me msg if you want to know what I am doing to prepare for this missing requirement.
Are you planning on fulfilling those requirements later?