Mistake on Secondary

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Jun 21, 2023
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Like an idiot, I copy/pasted my secondary responses for Pritzker directly into the text boxes and submitted. The word count on Google Docs and the secondary website was different, and two of my essays were cut off prematurely: one by just a word, the other by half a sentence.

What should I do? Call, email...? How bad is this? I've heard of some schools re-opening their secondaries to allow for edits -- does anyone know if Pritzker does this?

I am feeling really sad. I really wanted to go to Pritzker and it's hard not to feel like I just blew it.

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It's fine imo. The same thing happened to me for CCLCM, my top choice. If it was a whole sentence or two I would be more worried, but a word or a few words is nothing. They will figure it out. FWIW I just got an II for a school where my secondary had a typo at the very end. Not Pritzker, but similar caliber. They understand we are human!

If others feel differently maybe you can reach out, but I think it is not a big deal.
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It's fine imo. The same thing happened to me for CCLCM, my top choice. If it was a whole sentence or two I would be more worried, but a word or a few words is nothing. They will figure it out. FWIW I just got an II for a school where my secondary had a typo at the very end. Not Pritzker, but similar caliber. They understand we are human!

If others feel differently maybe you can reach out, but I think it is not a big deal.
Agree with my homie
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It's fine imo. The same thing happened to me for CCLCM, my top choice. If it was a whole sentence or two I would be more worried, but a word or a few words is nothing. They will figure it out. FWIW I just got an II for a school where my secondary had a typo at the very end. Not Pritzker, but similar caliber. They understand we are human!

If others feel differently maybe you can reach out, but I think it is not a big deal.

@toastedbutter I've seen you around everywhere, and have been meaning to say - nice pfp. That is all! Also, @morningstar99 , those kinds of typos happen to the best of us. It shouldn't impact your chance. Like previously said, application committees understand we are human. These things happen - no need to dwell!
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