Mneumonic "Martha" and "Simon"??? Help.

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Oct 23, 2004
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There's a mneumonic out there to help describe the perfect cosmetic patient...Martha, and the worst, Simon. My attending can't remember what all of the letters stand for, and I'm interested to know. Here's what I got so far...

M - Married
A -
R - Realistic expectations
T -
H -
A -

S - Single
I - Insecure
M - Male
O -
N -

Thanks for the help.

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M - Married
A -
R - Realistic expectations
T -
H -
A - Athletic?

S - Single
I - Insecure
M - Male
O - Obese?
N -
never heard of the mneumonic, but smokers, and those with collagen vascular disease are each strikes against surgery.
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the martha one is unfamiliar to me. the simon one is a mneumonic for males that are considering rhinoplasty (not cosmetic surgery in general) sometimes gets pimped or shows up on inservice exams

SIMON= single, immature, male, overly expectant, and narcissistic patients
Thanks Drvechman.
well cut and paste will get you every time...thanks :)