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Nov 28, 2006
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I am a predental, and I would like to know:
1) how much does a dentist make in the first 6 years in Los Angeles
2) How much does a dentist make after the first 6 years in L.A
3) How long does it take to open my own office

Thank you.

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I am a predental, and I would like to know:
1) how much does a dentist make in the first 6 years in Los Angeles
2) How much does a dentist make after the first 6 years in L.A
3) How long does it take to open my own office

Thank you.

1. Depends
2. Depends
3. Depends

Now, I have a question for you. How orange is too orange?
I am a predental, and I would like to know:
1) how much does a dentist make in the first 6 years in Los Angeles
2) How much does a dentist make after the first 6 years in L.A
3) How long does it take to open my own office

Thank you.

1. A Dr. once told me that they make more than they should, but not as much as they want.
2. Not enough
3. approx. 30- 45 years

p.s. really it is no way to answer these questions. 1st year out do not expect to make more than 100k. After that the norm is around 150-160k.