Moonlighting with new rules?

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"the psych machine"
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
Hello psych applicants and residents out there --

As someone with a husband in a field where he may or may not get a job next year when we move (teaching is tough right now) moonlighting seems like it might be pretty important when making a rank list. However, a lot of program's websites don't seem to indicate what opportunities there are. I learned on the interview trail that Duke limits moonlighting to non-psychiatric clinics, like family or IM, and Hopkins has disallowed moonlighting entirely. I see there have been some previous threads complementing Brown's moonlighting opportunities, and I know psych residents at OHSU have been able to double their salaries.

Questions: If you're a resident, how important has moonlighting been to you? Which programs have the best moonlighting opportunities, or lack them entirely? Is this going to be a non-issue with the new hour restrictions coming out?


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You're right that the days of doubling your salary as a resident are over. At one program at which I interviewed, they no longer allow residents to moonlight (which, as you can guess, has pissed off the residents greatly!). As I understand it, we can still moonlight as much as we want, provided we stay within the 80 hr rule (and have the program's blessing, of course). Depending on your program and the rotation you are on at any give, that can still leave substantial time for moonlighting, especially in the 3rd year. I, too, would like to hear from current residents.