MS1: supplement review books?

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10+ Year Member
Jun 8, 2012
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About to start MS1, what book(s) should I review alongside my lectures to help me prep for Step 1?

So far I've got First Aid.

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I wish I'd found pathoma earlier. It really helps understand both the class material and board relevant stuff.

I bought most of the USMLE road map books. Some were okay. Some sucked. Few were in line with my classes. I'd get the neuro one and hold back on the others.

BRS anatomy was great and I've heard good things about BRS Path.

I didn't find First Aid that useful as an MS1. There were a few parts that were good and the mnemonics were great but in general, it's written so sparsely that you won't learn many concepts from it unless you have a background in the topic.
C'mon man, there's a "Search" function! Use it! This stuff has been discussed pretty extensively.

Also, there are a couple of threads similar to what you're asking on the first page of the Allo forums, if you were too lazy to use the "Search" function:

Not intending to come off as rude, but seriously, the "Search" function is incredibly useful. You'll find a bazillion threads addressing this exact question!

FYI: I would probably focus more on learning and understanding M1 material rather than focusing on Step 1 right from the get-go.
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I searched. The threads you linked were about general M1 review. I'm talking about Step 1 prep specifically. Yes I know it overlaps, but "teach to the test" etc.

I've been advised by many upper year students to use review books alongside my studying for M1 classes, so I am looking for suggestions for those review books.
BRS physio is probably the only really really relevant M1 review book
hard to review things you havent learned yet
I'm also only a few weeks into MS I. I got first aid but also got First Aid Basic Sciences General Principles. So far it's actually come in quite handy. It follows along with the "High Yield General Pricinples" section of First Aid, but is in textbook form rather than bullet-point review form. It reads kind of like an MCAT prep book... it gives good solid explanations but leaves out a lot of the nitty-gritty. If you buy from Amazon you get a discount for buying the MS II "Organ Systems" book in combination with this one.

Like I said, I'm brand new and don't really know what I'm talking about, but I've already used it quite a bit. It's a great intro to tough subjects as well as a thorough review. I'd check it out, it has a "look inside" feature on Amazon.
Costanzo's Physiology is really good to use along with your coursework particularly for GI, endo, cardio, and renal. She also wrote the BRS book but not sure how they compare.
Also Lipincott Biochem is really good during 1st year for all things biochem related.