MSPE and Sub-I question

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Junior Member
15+ Year Member
Aug 19, 2006
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How important is it to do a Sub-I in medicine or surgery and have grades from that on your MSPE? A friend of mine, who's applying into IM, told me that program directors like to see the grades from you Sub-I onto your MSPE (and my school will include up till the September rotation), as a way to evaluate your ability to function as an intern.

I'm worried because what I have is 2 anesthesia rotations plus one anesthesia research rotation for July thru Aug. Should I drop the anesthesia research rotation and do I sub-I instead? I'm planning on submitting a letter from my IM clerkship so I'm hoping that should be enough evidence for how I will do as an intern.

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i wouldnt worry about it.. let your Sub-Is fall where they may throughout the year .. admission committees will not care, this is a minor issue compared to your overall grades on rotations and the overall picture of you clinically
How important is it to do a Sub-I in medicine or surgery and have grades from that on your MSPE? A friend of mine, who's applying into IM, told me that program directors like to see the grades from you Sub-I onto your MSPE (and my school will include up till the September rotation), as a way to evaluate your ability to function as an intern.

I'm worried because what I have is 2 anesthesia rotations plus one anesthesia research rotation for July thru Aug. Should I drop the anesthesia research rotation and do I sub-I instead? I'm planning on submitting a letter from my IM clerkship so I'm hoping that should be enough evidence for how I will do as an intern.

Agree with above poster.

Your anesthesia rotation is much more important than medicine or surgery.