My chance as a second degree student

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7+ Year Member
Jun 29, 2014
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I am a student doing a second undergraduate degree in Canada (I will be a Canadian applicant).

My first degree cGPA was around 2.00. I was highly unmotivated and did not have any future plan when I was doing my first degree. Then in my final year (5th) of my first degree, I decided to really put some effort and got an average GPA of 3.90. My overall cGPA was still very low because I failed so many courses in previous years.

Then I decided to do a second degree and now I finished my first year with a GPA of 3.98. I honestly believe that I can maintain this GPA for the next two years.

My primary goal is dentistry and secondary goal is medicine. The problem is, I heard that most American schools take holistic approach in assessing applicants, which means they are going to look at my GPA from my first degree. Thus, even if I get 4.00 in the next two years, my overall cGPA will be less than 3.00... Do you think I still have a chance at American dental/medical schools?

Thanks in advance.

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