My chances? 3.85 GPA, lower after this semester

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Apr 28, 2013
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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to get others' opinions about whether or not I'd be a good candidate for MD programs. I'm looking into Rochester (Reach/dream), SUNY upstate, SUNY downstate, and possibly a few in Ireland. I go to SUNY Buffalo (NY resident too) and I'm a psych major with a minor in urban planning and biology. I have a 3.85 (overall, most of which were in engineering class. I recently just switched), but it's going to go down this semester because I'm looking at getting two C's in classes. I've constantly worked 20+ hours/week while in school (full time during breaks), have over ~200 hours in volunteering/shadowing, and apart of a few different honor societies. My main concern/worry is my low GPA this semester. I know they look at cumulative more than anything, but I just wanted to seek some advice. Also, I know not having MCAT scores yet makes it a tough call, but I just really want to get some people's opinions. Thanks so much.

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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to get others' opinions about whether or not I'd be a good candidate for MD programs. I'm looking into Rochester (Reach/dream), SUNY upstate, SUNY downstate, and possibly a few in Ireland. I go to SUNY Buffalo (NY resident too) and I'm a psych major with a minor in urban planning and biology. I have a 3.85 (overall, most of which were in engineering class. I recently just switched), but it's going to go down this semester because I'm looking at getting two C's in classes. I've constantly worked 20+ hours/week while in school (full time during breaks), have over ~200 hours in volunteering/shadowing, and apart of a few different honor societies. My main concern/worry is my low GPA this semester. I know they look at cumulative more than anything, but I just wanted to seek some advice. Also, I know not having MCAT scores yet makes it a tough call, but I just really want to get some people's opinions. Thanks so much.
What classes will you get Cs in and what will your new cGPA and BCPM be? If you don't know how to calculate this, one of the WAMC stickies has a link to an AMCAS GPA calculator, I think in "Please Read Before Posting."
The two classes are orgo 2 (I got a B+ in orgo I) and differential equations. All my other science/pre-med courses I've gotten mostly A's with a few A-'s. My cumulative will still be over 3.7 (about a 3.75) because I have a good amount of credits.