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2+ Year Member
Aug 14, 2019
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Hi everyone,
I was searching for interview threads and I was thinking that threads like "Class of 2024" are really helpful. You just can go there and find much information from different students, and also share your information with others, therefore enriching the body of the thread more and more.
But interview comments are on different threads and it may take time to find what you are looking for.

Let's share your experience about your interview with NSUCO on this page, to have organized information which can be helpful for us and future pre-optometry students.

OAT scores:
Date OptomCAS verified:
NSUCO Interviews extended/date:
NSUCO Interviews accepted:
NSUCO Acceptance/date:
Explain your interview with NSUCO:

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Overall, it was great. The interviewers just want to get to know you. Questions like why nova, why optometry? Be personal and conversational.

It was two separated interviews, closed-filed and open-field. Everyone was friendly, the clinic is nice, the diversity of South Florida is hard to beat. Good luck everyone, we got this!!
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OAT scores: 390TS/340AA
GPA: 3.57
Date OptomCAS verified: 09-11-2019
NSUCO Interviews extended/date: 09-24-2019
NSUCO Interviews accepted: 10-07-2019
NSUCO Acceptance/date: 10-17-2019
Explain your interview with NSUCO: The interview consisted of a blind interview, a talk with an admission counselor and a one on one interview with a faculty member. I was very nervous about it but fortunately, the faculty was very kind and immediately after I met her I wasn't nervous anymore. the questions were mostly like:
Why optometry?
Why Nova?
Why do you think you can be a good optometrist?
Have you participated in a group project? Tell me about your experience.
Have you ever had difficulty in your life? how could you overcome it?
How did you study for the OAT?
Do you think if coming to Florida for studying optometry would be a challenge?
How do you manage stress?
How do you manage your time?

Good luck everybody!
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