My Step 2 CK UW notes pdf

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Sep 25, 2021
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Hey everyone! Wanted to share my old Uworld Step 2 CK notes that I typed up back during my clinical years. Of note, these have not been updated since 2017 so please make sure to double check with the actual Uworld question bank and Uptodate. You can convert them to ANKI cards or even use the search feature to correlate concepts with NBMEs/UWSAs. Hope this helps!

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Thank you for the PDF. However, it seems I have issues with the software, specifically with the PDF viewer. So, I had to convert this PDF file to EPUB using the DWG to DXF Converter which I use when working with CAD programs. Overall, it worked out, and I was finally able to view your notes, which turned out to be quite helpful for me.
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