MyEMCert Experience

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May 3, 2004
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So, I waited until the very last minute to do these as my boards expire at the end of this year.

I don't like to take chances with boards so I purchased and Roshreview.

MyEMcertprep was a complete waste of money. It's an hour long lecture and you lose access to the material after a few days, I think 7. There's no easy way to reference the material while you're taking the MyEMCert exam and most of it is audio/video and the entire format just isn't similar at all to the real exam.

Roshreview was dead on point. The questions were either extremely similar or identical with almost identical question stems, format, supplemental references, etc.. I did all the questions for each section, did zero of the ones I missed and took the test right afterwards, usually in the same day.

I did the following tests:

Trauma and Bleeding
Social and Behavioral Health

One key point to remember is that the last 3rd of each exam is from "Key Advances". Again, Roshreview had almost identical questions/answers/content. I'm not certain whether this was due to me signing up for all of these in the same year, but my last 3rd Key Advances questions were identical meaning that every single test had the exact same questions for the last 20 something with the exact same answer stems so it became mindless where you'd get to the last section and hurriedly click through all the KA questions because you already knew the answers. If you miss a question, MyEMCert will give you the correct answer with a small explanation so you already know what the correct answer is if you need to take it again. I passed all mine with flying colors on the first try but I think you have 3 tries and I would assume they are identical questions since my Key Advances questions were identical.

In the end, this was way over preparation as the ease of these questions is probably the easiest I've ever experienced in my life for a standardized medical exam, specialty related or not. Now, that being said, I have no problem with the easiness as long as I can painlessly extend my boards from the comfort of my own home so I much prefer this versus the Concert which I almost took instead of MyEMCert route back when I had the option.

My Advice to future test takers:

1) If you want to save money with high confidence that even if you fail the exam the first time, you'll have an easy time passing it on your next 2 attempts, then just use Uptodate and don't waste your money on anything else.

2) If you value seeing familiar questions and you don't like to get questions wrong, especially with the stress of knowing you are taking a test for recertification of your specialty boards, then buy Roshreview.

I do NOT recommend I also looked at HippoEM and they are recommending their board prep course as MyEMCert prep which I think is just lazy meaning they don't have a product for recert peeps. I don't remember seeing any other resources out there styled as specific MyEMCert prep, etc..

Anyway, hope that helps anyone out in the future when they have to worry about this cert.

P.S. It might be interesting for someone to do an experiment and see how many questions ChatGPT gets correct on these things. I'd wager...95% or so....NOT speaking from personal experience of course.

Also, because the last third of each test are identical Key Advances questions, I would recommend taking all 4 exams very close to each other so those questions are fresh in your memory as it makes taking/passing them much faster.

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It’s been a while since I took the tests and I think passed all of them except maybe one on the first try (I can see I passed them but doesn’t show the number of attempts) but just retook it since it was mostly the same questions if I remember right. There’s zero reason anyone needs to buy anything or spend absolutely any time on these besides just taking them.
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