N-myc or L-myc for small cell carcinoma of the lung.

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avatar: Mr. Wood Berry
15+ Year Member
Apr 8, 2007
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Pathoma says that this is L-myc whereas UWorld states that Oat cell and Neuroblastoma are N-myc. Which one is it?

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L-myc= lung
N-myc= neuroblastoma

Lung-myc and Neuro-myc. Now you won't forget!

exactly what i have in my notes...but uworld says otherwise. mistake on their end perhaps?

Q Id: 1629
Topic: Burkitt's Lymphoma
Division: Hematology

I know Phloston has mentioned that uworld has made errors in their explanations about certain topics. Maybe this is one of them...

it would be an easy question to get wrong over such a minor detail.
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Pathoma says that this is L-myc whereas UWorld states that Oat cell and Neuroblastoma are N-myc. Which one is it?

On the real deal, N-myc will be neuroblastoma and oat cell bronchogenic will be multivariate, but L-myc would be > N-myc.

More importantly though, the myc's are transcription factors. That's high-yield.