name dropping in secondary

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Apr 9, 2018
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if I co-authored a manuscript with a professor at a certain medical school, would it be a bad idea to mention the professor in their secondaries? I am a third author and that professor is second author, but we did not interact directly together & different universities.

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Yes, it would be a bad idea. Why would you drop the name of someone you don’t know?
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I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea but not very helpful. If you were resourceful, this could be a networking opportunity where you would send the professor an email or call introducing yourself and include that you both were on the authorship for a certain manuscript & that you'd be interested in learning more about their work at that specific medical school.
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if I co-authored a manuscript with a professor at a certain medical school, would it be a bad idea to mention the professor in their secondaries? I am a third author and that professor is second author, but we did not interact directly together & different universities.
I can't recommend this. And don't assume that people who are on admissions committees will know who the person is either.
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Won’t help at all and could be a turn off to certain readers
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if I co-authored a manuscript with a professor at a certain medical school, would it be a bad idea to mention the professor in their secondaries? I am a third author and that professor is second author, but we did not interact directly together & different universities.
I read on here that name dropping can be risky because you never know who has beef with who
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