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15+ Year Member
Jun 6, 2006
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Can I apply late to Navy HPSP? Can you apply in June? July?

For med school starting Fall 2009.


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I would go ahead and apply. I dont know about the Navy but for the Army they offer a 3.5 year scholarship. So if you do not get it this summer you can possibly get the scholarship starting at the end of the first semester. That means you would only have to take out loans for the first semester. If you are in the Midwest Zone I can get you the contact info for the Navy recruiter. Just let me know! If you are not you will just have to call around I guess.
For the Navy if they can get the application processed before the last day of the first semester they can still get you the 4 year scholarship, so June should still be fine.

That being said, if you're thinking about joining go ahead and start the application process right now. You're not obligated to anything until the very end when you sign the forms and take the oath of office. There's no good reason to put this off.
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For the Navy if they can get the application processed before the last day of the first semester they can still get you the 4 year scholarship, so June should still be fine.

That being said, if you're thinking about joining go ahead and start the application process right now. You're not obligated to anything until the very end when you sign the forms and take the oath of office. There's no good reason to put this off.

That must have changed. I signed all my paperwork in October of my MS-1 year and still owe that first semester of tuition. Also remember the payback is still 4 yrs even if you only get 3.5 yrs tuition.
That must have changed. I signed all my paperwork in October of my MS-1 year and still owe that first semester of tuition. Also remember the payback is still 4 yrs even if you only get 3.5 yrs tuition.

It did change about 3 years ago. Different lawyers, different opinions.
I passed my MEPS Physical (May 8th) and on the same day my recruiter told me the Medical board approved my application. how long does it take from the time you are approved for the scholarship until you swear in?
I passed my MEPS Physical (May 8th) and on the same day my recruiter told me the Medical board approved my application. how long does it take from the time you are approved for the scholarship until you swear in?

Depends on Pro-Board and scroll.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is pro-board and scroll?