NBEO is changing part 3

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7+ Year Member
Jan 28, 2014
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Hey everyone!

I just found out recently about this. This is big news! I have some friends who have to wait to take part 3 later on this year or early next year due to COVID and I hope they pass it in time before part 3 is changed. I know a lot of other people are in the same situation. But in case someone is unaware that NBEO is changing part III of boards, here's a video that breaks it down .

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Hello, I am in search of someone to switch NBEO part 3 dates with me as I must complete it before April 1st. I will be signing up for 1st week of may but It would not be soon enough. I'm trying to make some life decisions and unfortuneately there are no exams prior to May. I am a practicing optometrist trying to settle in florida. I would be a great teacher/mentor for anyone who would make this change to help me. So please reply if you are scheduled before April and would be interested in switching to first week of may. for me this would be life altering, for you it may just be 5 weeks of study time.
[email protected]