NBME forms or UWORLD ~2 weeks out from Step1

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Dec 26, 2012
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Good Evening,
I'm about 2 weeks out from Step 1 and would greatly appreciate some input on whether to focus on reviewing/finishing up UWORLD at this point vs. shifting more to NBME forms. I took NBME Form 30 several days ago and received a 99% chance of passing (~70% correct) and took UWSA I about two weeks ago and received 222. Haven't done other NBME forms at this point

I am thinking my main two options are to 1) aim to take form 29 & 31 prior to the test then use the remaining dedicated time to finish UWORLD + review/redo incorrect UWORLD Q's in weak areas (completed 90% of UWORLD) vs. 2) take as many of the remaining NBME's as possible + content review.

I am clearly weaker in areas of microbio & Immunology + nutrition/biochemistry, so I'll be aiming to do some focused review of those areas prior.

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I just took, and I hope/think I passed. My following NBME scores were:
NBME 30 Dec 26th: 70 %
NBME 29 Jan 1st: 73%
NBME 31 Jan 7th: 78%
NBME 28 Jan 9th: 77%

Fingers crossed. Found the real thing to have longer questions stems and a bit more pressed for time. I think given I was scoring okay on the NBMEs, I should be fine though.
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