nbme step 2 CK field trial score

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15+ Year Member
Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
Did anyone else do this? I did this 3 weeks b4 the real thing and was pissed to find out that my score would be mailed to me well after the real thing. So i finally received my score for the field trial which gives only a two digit score. Then they tell you a 61 is equal to passing which would be a 184, and that a 70 is a 200. I got an 85. which doesn't tell me much other than i passed which i guess is good enough but i want to do much better on step 2. Supposedly, the field trial takes questions from all the paid nbme tests, but they were testing their new driver or something. I am still waiting for my real score though since i took it on 8/27. any ideas?

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