Need a pick me up; did not match into fellowship

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2+ Year Member
Sep 4, 2019
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I did not match into Hem-Onc this week and I am really sad. Like the name said, I have been very sad for a couple days now and was hoping for a pick me up. I know it is shameless and in the grand scheme of things, it is not the residency Match. But this has been what I worked so hard for the past 2 years or so and it is very heart breaking.

Can someone share with me their perspectives and advices?

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I did not match into Hem-Onc this week and I am really sad. Like the name said, I have been very sad for a couple days now and was hoping for a pick me up. I know it is shameless and in the grand scheme of things, it is not the residency Match. But this has been what I worked so hard for the past 2 years or so and it is very heart breaking.

Can someone share with me their perspectives and advices?

Get a job, make some money, have some fun, and try again. You're not 'hopeless'. Trust me, you're way more accomplished than 99% of Americans. We (physicians) get so wrapped up in our neurosis.
This is a blip in the grand scheme of things and is not a measure of you as a physician. Don't fall into the high-achiever trap of measuring your self-worth by these accomplishments, you've already accomplished an incredible amount to get where you are. Plenty of people reapply and match to fellowship if they can make connections and improve their apps a bit. If Heme/Onc is really what you want, plan to reapply (after a well earned break).
Get a job, make some money, have some fun, and try again. You're not 'hopeless'. Trust me, you're way more accomplished than 99% of Americans. We (physicians) get so wrapped up in our neurosis.

Look at it this way: now you get to go out in the real world, make money, live your life, and start enjoying yourself instead of heading back for more training. GME training, in a word, sucks. Once you’re out you may find that you never want to go back.

Also, let me share this story…I originally wanted heme/onc. My residency research project got f’d up and basically never got beyond the IRB stage. I made a last minute switch to rheumatology, matched an excellent program, and found out that rheum was actually where I belonged anyway. Bailing out of heme/onc felt like a loss at the time, but in retrospect was probably the best thing that ever happened to me as a physician. I’m very happy in rheumatology now.

I did not match into Hem-Onc this week and I am really sad. Like the name said, I have been very sad for a couple days now and was hoping for a pick me up. I know it is shameless and in the grand scheme of things, it is not the residency Match. But this has been what I worked so hard for the past 2 years or so and it is very heart breaking.

Can someone share with me their perspectives and advices?

What if you had matched into it and werent as happy as you thought youd be?