Need advice on taking Gen Chem 2 8 years after Gen Chem 1

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Jan 11, 2025
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I am looking to fulfill my General Chemistry 2 pre-req requirement. The problem is that it has been 8 years since I took General Chem 1 and I am worried I will not do well since I remember nothing. Back when I took chem 1 I got a B+ in lecture and an A+ in lab. Do you think it is necessary for me to retake General Chem 1 before going to chem 2? The class starts in a few days so I do not have a ton of time to review.


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retake gen chem I. If you don't get the grade you want in G.Chem II, you will be kicking yourself in the foot for not retaking the prereq.

Retake gen chem I, get the A and then move on. If the class is too easy at least you'll get a good grade and have possibly a few extra moments to spend the time on something else.
Use Khan Academy as a refresher. This is what I did as I too was 8 years removed. I ended up with an A in the class.