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Oct 8, 2018
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So I am in a community college and I am hoping to transfer May 2020. Next semester, I am schedule to take Physics 4A (calculus based), Chem 1B, Botany (Bio), and Calculus 3B (calcu 2). Also, possibly a general ed course that is worth 3 credits too. All the sciences have a lab. I am a freshmen student and if I want to transfer in two years, I have to cram my schedule. Does this schedule seem doable for next semester? Any advice on how to manage these hard classes? Thank you!

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So I am in a community college and I am hoping to transfer May 2020. Next semester, I am schedule to take
-Physics 4A (calculus based),
-Chem 1B,
-Botany (Bio), and
-Calculus 3B (calcu 2).
-Also, possibly a general ed course that is worth 3 credits too.
All the sciences have a lab. I am a freshmen student and if I want to transfer in two years, I have to cram my schedule. Does this schedule seem doable for next semester?
This schedule is doable for someone with superb organizational skills and time management, but three labs will be a huge time sink and I don't recommend it for you.

As for any freshman, not yet used to the increased flow of information at the college level, I'd advise to limit yourself to no more than two labs and to minimize your ECs until you've nailed down more efficient study strategies, as GPA is your first priority if you want to apply to med school.