Need to know about Health Care policy (?)

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Jul 4, 2010
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Hey guys, interview season will be coming up soon, and I was wondering if knowing about the health care is important or not? Overall it seems like it depends on the school or even the interviewer, but better to be safe than sorry.

Does anyone know an article or website that gives a good overview of our current health care and its issues? thnx for the help, and i hope this helps others too!

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There have been threads like this that have helped others. I hope those threads have helped others too!
Hey guys, interview season will be coming up soon, and I was wondering if knowing about the health care is important or not? Overall it seems like it depends on the school or even the interviewer, but better to be safe than sorry.

Does anyone know an article or website that gives a good overview of our current health care and its issues? thnx for the help, and i hope this helps others too!
Its your future livelihood. You better know about it.
You should WANT to know about it.
I hope applicants know about "the health care" since they are applying for a health care profession.