Neglected to Disclose Institutional Action

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May 17, 2023
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Hi, I've made a huge mistake. On the Institutional Action question I answered "No," with honest intentions.

However, in 2014 while in High School I took two courses at my Community College and failed them. These courses are on my transcript, and I did not try to hide them, but I honestly didn't realize I was on academic probation for them. Lo and behold, an unrelated conversation made me consider it and I checked my e-mail and found an academic probation notice from 2014 notifying that I was on Academic Probation at the CC for one semester, though it does not say such on my official transcript.

I know I ****ed up and should have done my due dilligence before submitting, but I'm wondering what my courses of action is here. My app is still on "Waiting to Review", can I still call the AAMC and inform them of my error or should I just Withdraw from this cycle completely while I have time and not be an idiot next year? Thank you.

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I've seen on a couple different threads about this is that you should send notice to each school you apply to and explain to them what happened.
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Don't forget again. You may get a similar prompt on some secondary applications, but it would be good to prepare an email.

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Don't forget again. You may get a similar prompt on some secondary applications, but it would be good to prepare an email.

So should I continue with this application but make note of it in my secondaries/email schools I apply to? I don’t want it to come off like I’m trying to hide it and I know failing to grasp a simple rule reflects poorly on me.
So should I continue with this application but make note of it in my secondaries/email schools I apply to? I don’t want it to come off like I’m trying to hide it and I know failing to grasp a simple rule reflects poorly on me.

I mean it's an academic probation for CC courses when you were in high school over 9 years ago. There are more egregious omissions than that. It's not a plus, but shouldn't be a big deal. It would likely be a nothingburger had you disclosed it so forgetting it brings a little more attention than it normally would have gotten, but if you have an otherwise competitive application, this won't be the reason you don't get in.
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Thank you all. I’ll make sure to e-mail every school I’m applying to and mention it in my secondaries.
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I was also advised by an advisor that I should call AMCAS to self-report my error and explain which I also plan to do immediately.

EDIT: Since I got a PM about someone in a similar situation I'll add any details for anyone else who made a mistake like mine. I got in contact with an AMCAS representative this morning and informed her of my situation, she told me if there's an error they'd send my application back and that she'd make a note on my file. If I'm honest I'm not entirely sure if I'll be lucky enough to have them re-open the app for me but I'll cross my fingers. Just to make sure I had a digital record of it I also e-mailed AMCAS and supplied the associated e-mails regarding my academic probation from 2014 as attachments, and went in person to my CC Registrar to try to get more official documentation but they were kind of confused and had never been asked for something like that so they're still going to try to get back to me.

I'll edit this further if AAMC gets back to me. If they don't allow me to re-open my application to correct it then I still plan to e-mail all schools I apply to with the situation/mention it in my secondaries.
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