Neuroscience Research Graduation with Distinction worth it?

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Dec 25, 2023
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I'm an undergraduate third-year premed student at Duke University and a Neuroscience major. I've been involved in research since freshman year and am currently in a Neuroscience lab. Is pursuing a senior thesis and Graduation with Distinction worth the time commitment, and would it have any benefits when applying to medical schools? Thank you for any advice.

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Yes, no, idk...

Do what makes you happy, and having something like this on your app will only benefit you. Best of luck.
would it have any benefits when applying to medical schools
Not even PBK gives you brownie points in many admissions processes. That said, it is an accomplishment that if you do it, you should be proud of it. It is better than nothing, but not knowing what your profile is, it's hard to say if it's going to impress anyone.
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Are you excited about doing a senior thesis? If you are, it can make for a good topic for secondaries or interviews. It won’t add much in terms of prestige.
The thesis is helpful because you'll learn how to do an independent research project. Hopefully you can get it published. It won't be the deciding factor on whether or not you are accepted, but these small things tend to add up.
I have seen applicants with research that led to a senior thesis ranked higher in the research category than those who did not write a thesis so there can be a slight bump in one of the 5 or 6 categories on which you'll be judged. It can't hurt but it won't necessarily help if you are deficient in several other categories such as clinical experience, community service, etc.