Is transferring worth it?

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Aug 8, 2023
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I want to transfer from a 4 year uni to another 4 year and apply traditionally (end of 3rd year of undergrad). However, I am worried about extracurriculars, as having leadership and other positions for my first 2 years then quitting and starting new ECs at another school might make me less competitive. However, I will still have a good amount of hours in each category of ECs. Is it worth to transfer schools, and if so, do most people take gap years?

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The one thing I'd be wary about is your ability to get a committee letter and/or individual letters from faculty. Does the new school have a committee letter? What is the timeline for applying for a committee letter (some require an interview after a bunch of letters are submitted on your behalf). Would you be taking courses that would give you adequate engagement with faculty to ask for letters in the winter/spring of your junior year? Would you be asking for letters from faculty at the old school?

Don't set your heart on applying as a rising senior if you won't be a successful applicant. Better to do it when you are ready and only do it once than rush into it only to be a re-applicant a year or two later.