Some clarity IMO:
1. I don't think you can make a case for IV sedation being minimal, light, etc. and fly under the radar with this new guideline. It's either PO or Local now.
2. MBB/FJI are also included in a separate LCD guideline to also state IV sedation is not medically necessary. Also states in this guideline that frequent use of IV sedation can trigger audit.
LCD - Facet Joint Interventions for Pain Management (L38803)
View attachment 345902
3. I do not believe RFA's are explicitly mentioned but currently I do not believe they are included in this restriction. In the same LCD guideline for facets, it does mention RFA under light IV sedation.
View attachment 345903
In a previous LCD guideline for facets (2019), sedation for RFAs was also addressed in the response to comments section:
View attachment 345904
4. You could provide IV sedation and not charge but you should also consider that if CMS is telling you it is not medically necessary and you have some catastrophic anesthetic event, it would be difficult to defend the use of IV sedation. Rare but you open yourself up there for liability. Curious to see what people's thoughts are on this.
5. For all those doing Local only for all ESI/MBB/FJI, kudos to your angel soft hands and technique and tough patient population. May not be completely necessary to provide IV sedation but I agree with above comments that some have had traumatic prior experiences and it would be much more kind to be able to provide the IV option as long as low anesthesia risk. For argument's sake, could also say local isn't necessary either since most of the pain receptors are at skin and there is pain with providing local there to begin with and you also cause pain along the way to the facet joint anyway. So local isn't completely necessary but more kind to use it. Converse is true as well, don't need to intubate and paralyze and give IV dilaudid to prevent the mild pain for ESI/MBB/FJI but a balance is necessary and options are always preferred to none. Really hate when insurances tie my hands.