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Accepted Pharmacy Student
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jul 24, 2008
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Hello all,

I am a new member to this site, and just wanted to get a feel for things. I'm a ((hopeful)) pre-pharm student, applying for enrollment for next fall =) I have a cuml gpa 3.75, not exactly sure on the science/math, but i'd say it was around a 3.5. i am taking the october pcat, and then we'll see from there :)

I'm applying to:

Wayne State University
Ferris State College
Lipscomb Univ.
Belmont Univ.
Univ. of Toledo

Anyone else applying to Lipscomb? I'm from the Detroit area, but I would loveee to get into Lipscomb, it would be a wonderful change of scenery!:D

Also, I am about to send in my personal statement, I just need to add maybe one more paragraph, but if anyone would be so kind to edit it, or just some suggestions, that would be much appreciated! my email is [email protected]. I'll send it to you if you shoot me an email! :) Thanks guys, and good luck to everyone!!!!

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Please don't send your PS to just anyone on this forum. They could be likely to steal your PS and use it for themselves. Remember this is an anonymous, public forum. If you want someone to read your PS, I suggest using the people in this thread. Make sure you read through all the instructions on that thread before sending it to anyone.
Please don't send your PS to just anyone on this forum. They could be likely to steal your PS and use it for themselves. Remember this is an anonymous, public forum. If you want someone to read your PS, I suggest using the people in this thread. Make sure you read through all the instructions on that thread before sending it to anyone.


I agree with this, but don't you have a writing center at your school? The people would be glad to help you with your personal statment and most of them are either english professors or have a masters in english.