News from NYU or Rush?

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May 18, 2007
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I was just wondering if anybody's heard anything from NYU or Rush since being complete. Are they known for being slow? Neither are posted on the interview invite threads, and I can't find the link to last year's invites, so I have no way of comparing this year to when they started doing invites last year. Thanks.

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I also have not heard anythng besides the fact that I am complete from either. Rush, I know, tends to hand out interviews pretty late...probably end of September because they don't begin interviewing until October. I think I read a thread from last year that said the first interview invite came out mid-October (it might be the first interview was mid-October, but I am pretty sure I read it was the first invite)....I know nothing about NYU...
I think last year the first Rush invite went out around October 25th. But I also heard that they had to put together a new admissions committee, so perhaps that delayed things. Not sure, but I'm hoping that they start sending out invites in Sept rather than Oct. Who knows? They don't even have a phone number to call to see if you can extract the information from them. Or trust me, I'd try.
I was just wondering if anybody's heard anything from NYU or Rush since being complete. Are they known for being slow? Neither are posted on the interview invite threads, and I can't find the link to last year's invites, so I have no way of comparing this year to when they started doing invites last year. Thanks.
I spoke to a lady in admissions on monday at NYU and she said invites will be going out this week.